Rock On

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017


                Tepatnya pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2017, SMPN 9 Bekasi telah merayakan hari jadi nya ke 32. SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi adalah sekolah menengah pertama negeri yang berada di Daerah kecamatan Jatiasih kota bekasi.SMPN 9 sejak tahun 2005 menjadi Sekolah Standar Nasional (SSN) dan tahun 2009 mengusulkan agar di proses menjadi Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI).Tanggal 18 Oktober 1985 turun SK Mendiknas tentang status Penegrian SMPN Jatiasih, dan tanggal tersebut dianggap sebagai tanggal berdirinya SMPN 9 Bekasi. Setiap tahun SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi menampung sekitar ±356 siswa/i.

                Sejarah singkat SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi dimulai ketika pada tahun 1983 di SMPN 1 Pondok Gede-Bekasi ( Sekarang SMPN 6 Bekasi ) dibuka kelas filial sebagai persiapan SMP Negeri Jatiasih. Tahun 1985 mulai dibangun gedung SMPN 1 Jatiasih diatas tanah seluas 6000 M2. Banguan awal terdiri dari 6 lokal ruang belajar , 2 ruang kantor, WC Guru dan WC Siswa, laboratorium, perpustakaan dan gudang. Bangunan tersebut belum dilengkapi sarana belajar seperti meja, kursi dan papan tulis.

                 Tanggal 18 Oktober 1985 turun SK Mendiknas tentang status Penegerian SMPN Jatiasih, dan tanggal tersebut dianggap sebagai tanggal berdirinya SMPN 9 Bekasi. Pada bulan Juli 1986, gedung baru SMPN Jatiasih mulai ditempati dengan sarana seadanya. Jumlah siswa pada saat itu terdiri dari kelas I, II dan III yang dibawa dari kelas filial yang ada di SMPN Pondok Gede. Secara bertahap sarana dan prasarana pendidikan dilengkapi, mulai dari ruang belajar, lapangan olah raga, pagar, tanaman, gerbang, aula, ruang komputer, musholla, kantin, ruang koperasi, ruang ekstra kurikuler, ruang BK, dan sarana-sarana lainnya yang hingga kini semakin lengkap.

                Perubahan demi perubahan kearah perbaikan terus berlangsung di SMP ini, seiring dengan peraihan prestasi akademik maupun non akademik yang sudah tak terhitung jumlahnya. Tahun 1996 SMPN 1 Jatiasih berubah nama menjadi SLTPN 1 Jatiasih, dan pada tahun 1999 sejalan dengan pemekaran wilayah kabupaten dan kota bekasi, diubah namanya menjadi SLTPN 9 Bekasi, dan akhirnya berubah nama lagi menjadi SMPN 9 Bekasi.

Birthday of Junior High School 9 Bekasi

           Precisely on October 19, 2017, SMPN 9 Bekasi has been celebrating its 32nd anniversary. SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi is a state junior high school located in Jatiasih sub-district, bekasi.SMPN 9 since 2005 became National Standard School (SSN) and 2009 proposed to be in the process of becoming an International Standard School (RSBI). On October 18, 1985, SK Mendiknas decreed the status of the State Junior High School Jatiasih, and the date is considered to be the date of establishment of SMPN 9 Bekasi. Every year SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi accommodates about ± 356 students.

           A brief history of SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi began when in 1983 at SMPN 1 Pondok Gede-Bekasi (now SMPN 6 Bekasi) opened a filial class as a preparation for Junior High School Jatiasih. In 1985 began building SMPN 1 Jatiasih building on an area of ​​6000 M2. The early camp consisted of 6 local study rooms, 2 office spaces, a Teacher's toilet and a Student's toilet, a laboratory, a library and a warehouse. The building has not been equipped with learning facilities such as tables, chairs and blackboards.

           On October 18, 1985, SK Mendiknas decree on the status of Penegerian SMPN Jatiasih, and the date is considered as the date of the establishment of SMPN 9 Bekasi. In July 1986, the new building SMPN Jatiasih began to be occupied by means of potluck. The number of students at that time consisted of classes I, II and III brought from the filial class in SMPN Pondok Gede.

          Gradually educational facilities and infrastructure are equipped, ranging from study room, sports field, fence, plant, gate, hall, computer room, musholla, canteen, cooperative room, extra curricular space, BK room, and other facilities which up to now more complete. Changes for change towards improvement continue in this junior high school, along with countless achievements of academic and non academic achievements. In 1996 SMPN 1 Jatiasih changed its name to SLTPN 1 Jatiasih, and in 1999 in line with the expansion of regency and city of bekasi, changed its name to SLTPN 9 Bekasi, and finally changed its name again to SMPN 9 Bekasi.

Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017

Drugs Counseling
OSIS Junior High School 9 Bekasi held a drug counseling (Narcotics, Psychotropic, and Addictive Substance) this counseling is a step to convey the dangers of drugs for young people, so young people do not fall into the drug abuse that is currently rampant in talk at society.

This counseling includes counseling about narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana and morphine and psychotropic such as ecstasy, amphetamine, and phenobarbital and addictive substances inhalation, tobacco, and alcoholic beverages. These drugs are very dangerous if misused. This counseling activity is expected that young people are not easy to fall into drug abuse

Besides all that, young people can know the danger if the drug is in use, but on the other hand all drugs are also useful in daily life. In the medical world, morphine serves as a pain barrier. That way, it is expected that all people can use these drugs properly and wisely.
OSIS SMPN 9 Bekasi has an effective way to capture students who are less disciplined, namely by way of gate picket (PIGER). PIGER records an undisciplined child in a school uniform.

PIGER will record incomplete students such as not wearing buckles, ties, and others. if you do not wear a full uniform then every month you get punished. this method proved effective in capturing undisciplined students, as each student passed through the school gates.

besides students who are not disciplined wearing uniforms, PIGER also records students who are late coming to school. Students who come to school are not allowed to enter before 08.00. before entering the class of students who are late also given the first punishment such as cleaning the hall, so that students do not want to be late again.

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017


       Hi everybody ! This is a spiritual activity of Islam that we often call Rohis. In SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi held a spirit on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday participant student of class VII, starting from class VII-1 until VII-5. Tuesday is also held for class VII, but the participants are class VII-6 up to VII-11. And Wednesday is held for the entire class VIII. This activity is guided (taught) by Ustadz Namat, or we usually we call Pak Namat.
      Before we begin the spiritual activity, we start with the tadarus al-qur'an and read the asmaul husna. This activity is very exciting and not boring, because pak Namat always make us feel comfortable and cool learning religion with it. Although the taste is a bit crowded, we keep learning seriously and the science of science delivered by Pak Namat can always be received in our box, so we easily understand the science given. Wow... really great Pak Namat :) :)
     The spirit is an intergal part with the program of self-development activities. Islamic spiritual formation is very necessary because it is an effort to increase faith and piety to Allah swt. So that with this effort can be formed human beings who have good morals Because the great nation is a nation that gets ridho from Allah swt.

     The usual material delivered various kinds, such as fiqh, daily prayer, hadith and many more. The material for class VII delivered such as the procedure of ablution, tayamum, adzan and iqomah, obligatory prayer, sunnah prayer, jamak and qosor, and there is more. Material for class VIII such as sunnah prayer, wirid and dialy prayer.

        This is an organization-themed extension activity. Here we explain what an organization is, why we are encouraged to organize and the purpose and purpose of its formation organization.

       Organization is one place where many people gather, exchange ideas, work together to achieve common goals. The importance of organization for students because by organizing we get many benefits.
        For students, one of the environment is school. It is this school that students can learn and know how to organize well.
        One of the existing forms of organization in school is the Intra School Student Organization or OSIS. In the organization especially OSIS we are taught and trained kepempinan, through LDKS activities. Leadership is the attitude of a person who moves others toward a better goal, so that the other person behaves as we expect.from where the leadership attitude of the students trained through the organization.
        By organizing, we can benefit among others: association, improve knowledge insight, learn time management, train public speakin, and form a good mindset. However, getting the benefits is not easy, if we can not balance between the organization with academic, then our academic achievement will also be we can conclude that the activity of organizing must be balanced with academic achievement, so that the two two will be obtained maximally.

Selasa, 17 Oktober 2017


   Go Green is an activity of greening and saving the earth that is now experiencing damage and global warming caused by our own actions. Go Green is an important activity undertaken. Go Green plays and functions as : the lungs of the city, the creator of the environment (ecological),and the balancing of nature.
  Go Green activities are hosted by Mr. Badroni,and assisted by scheduled officers. The benefits of Go Green activities  to prevent floods are : reducing air pollution, reducing the impact of acid rain,and preventing the greenhouse effect. At the time of uniform Go Green activities have been adjusted,using sportswear.

  As a first step, the establishment of green school community in schools is expected to motivate students with the spirit of togetherness in one community to be able to raise solidarity with other colleagues to come together to realize the concern for school environment.
 Celebrating the Islamic New Year


    Thursday, September 21 2017,is the Muslim holiday,the Islamic New Year 1437.
The Islamic New Year is the turn of the year in Islam using the calculation of the moon. The new year of Islam is calculated since Prophet Muhammad SAW moved From Mekah to Medinah so that the calendar in Islam is called Hijriah. The meaning of Islamic New Year is an important event of the birth of islam as a triumphant religion.
     Saturday, September 23 2017, We are also celebrating the feast, by conducting the event "Nonton Bareng" theme of Islamic history. As the event has been prepared kloter as agreed. And the film was accompanied by brothers from the Pesantren. All materials are explained in detail. The event aims to inform and engage in useful and positive activities for future generations.


     Honesty canteen constitute important role for train honesty, because nothing who keep this canteen, so buyers take goods and pay for themselves with fitting money . In the canteen there are a money box that use to payment buyers.
     In this canteen awareness and honesty buyers very demanded. This canteen location is open without a wall that cover the. Buyers are expected to buy is students and teachers. The stuff and food that the canteen sell is stationary, snack, and etc.

    Honesty canteen not only have a profit, detriment also experienced, but not until excessive. One of the motto that implanted in this canteen is " god see and angel write".The main purpose is train honesty students. Honesty canteen is program honesty directed to school, but basically his direction to students. proper management is required to take care of the honesty canteen. this is to prevent losses incurred. There fore managers should keep a close eye on the development of this canteen.     


           Hii,we are from OSIS SMPN 9 Bekasi with PMR SMPN 9 Bekasi yesterday at Saturday,4 February 2017 join a charity that implemented on Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) the charity event including mass circumcision,blood doninance,dental care,Free treatment,and also donations for orphans
           The benefits of this charity is for lighten the burden of not being enough money and provide socializing lessons to children that join the charity,this charity are helpful too for the adults because this charity have a free treatment that can be used to someone that injured and not have enough money to have treatment in the hospital,also this charity is helpful for the hospital too because there are a blood doninance and the blood that doninance will give to the hospital.

            The activity that we do are share registration brochures for blood doninance,helping the indonesian red cross for blood doninance,helping the dental care to share a brochures,and help the charity committee for share the gift to the orphans, 
Berikut ini adalah susunan pengurus PMR SMPN 9 Bekasi 
Angkatan XXIV (Angkatan 24)

Metya Prameswari P.M

-Wakil Ketua-
Febrian Y.S
Tabina Dwi I.

Andi Almirah Azaria
Maharani O.

Saska Hemalia P.
Annya Olivia

-Sie. Acara-
Fasya Satwika
Ghinaa Faizal
Gista K.

-Sie. Jaringan Komunikasi-
Novid R.
Thariq Kemal M.
Syahda U.

-Sie. Jurnalistik-
Aziz Aldo I.
Dimas Aryo
Aisyah Zhahirani

-Sie. Konsumsi-
Rama G.
Rofa S.
Rizky A.
Fita P.

-Sie. Perlengkapan-
Abhela M.N
Diandra R.F
Citra Widya

-Sie. UKS-
Shakila Mutia B.
Kembang Cinta
Febby B.
Davina F.

-Prestasi Lomba-

1. SMPN 21 Bekasi
Juara 1 Poster
Juara 3 Pertolongan Pertama Putra
Juara 3 Tandu Darurat Putra
Juara 4 Tandu Darurat Putri
Juara 5 Pertolongan Pertama Putra

Juara Umum 1
Juara 1 Pertolongan Pertama Putri
Juara 1 Pertolongan Pertama Putra
Juara 1 Tandu Darurat Putra
Juara 1 Tandu Darurat Putri
Juara 3 Tandu Darurat Putri

Juara Bergilir
Juara Umum Madya
Juara 1 LGJ Putra
Pos 1 Terbaik LGJ Putri
Juara 1 Lomba Perawatan Keluarga Putra
Juara 1 Lomba Perawatan Keluarga Putri
Juara 1 Tandu Darurat Tutup Mata Putri
Juara 1 Lomba Tandu Darurat Tunggal Putri
Juara 1 Lomba Poster
Juara 3 Lomba Tandu Darurat Tunggal
Juara 2 Lomba Perawatan keluarga Putri
Juara 2 Lomba tndu Darurat Tutup Mata Putra

Juara Umum
Juara Bergilir
Juara 1 Pertolongan Pertama Putra
Juara 1 Perawatan Keluarga Putri
Juara 2 Tandu Darurat Campuran
Juara 3 Tandu Darurat Campuran
Juara 3 Tandu Darurat Putra
Juara 3 Perawatan Keluarga Putra
Juara 2 Rally Photo

Juara Bergilir
Juara Umum
Juara 1 Pertolongan Pertama Putri
Juara 2 Pertolongan Pertama Putri
Juara 1 Pertolongan Putra
Juara 1 LTD Putra
Juara 3 LTD Putra
Juara 2 LTD Putri
Juara 1 LTD Campuran
Juara 1 Perawatan Keluarga Putra
Juara 2 Perawatan Keluarga Putri
Juara 1 Lomba Cepat Tepat
Juara 1 Kreasi Tong Sampah

Berikut ini adalah susunan pengurus Paskibra SMPN 9 Bekasi 
Angkatan XXIV (Angkatan 24)

Naomi Dwi Kurnia

-Wakil Ketua-
M. Afkar Hanief Singajuru

M. Rizky Khairullah
Adelia Putri Djatmiko

Diana Meilona
Naufal Eka Prasetya

-Sie. Kegiatan-
Hervani R.Aisy
Adi Dwi Waskita
Amalia Ayu
Annisa Indah N.R
Dewazfa Adhita P.
M.Zidan Indratama
Sharla Febrianty P.
Shella Zulnida F.

-Sie. Perlengkapan-
Salwa Nayla M.
Alfiyyah Rizky S.
Aqliya Khilmatuzzahra
Devita Susilawati
Dhiya Nada
Nabila Permata
Neysa Adella Kansha
M.Rifone Afrizal S.

-Prestasi Lomba-
Juara Pasukan Terfavorit 1 Tingkat Madya
Juara Utama 1 Tingkat Madya
Juara Harapan 3 Tingkat Madya
Juara Danton Terbaik Tingkat Madya

Berikut ini adalah susunan pengurus Pramuka SMPN 9 Bekasi
Angkatan XXIX (Angkatan 29)

Rafi Muhammad I.R

-Wakil Ketua-
Qanita Qurani

Anjeli Antika Sari
Wafa Maiyatillah

Fikri Dewa Firmansyah
Filsati Maratu Dinni

Achmad Diaz
Naufal Surya Nugraha
Raihan Rio Umran

-Prestasi Lomba-
Juara 1 Hasta Karya Tingkat Madya
Juara 2 PUPK Tingkat Madya


           Tepatnya kemarin Tanggal 9 september 2017,SMPN 9 Bekasi mengadakan suatu acara yaitu,acara pelantikan Ekskul 3P.Yang diikuti para siswa kelas 7 Smpn 9 Bekasi dan bapak ibu guru SMPN 9 bekasi.Tanpa kegiatan Pelantikan Ini ,Kita belum resmi menjadi seuah anggota organisasi.Pelantikan 3P adalh suatu kegiatan yang dibuat oleh sekolah untuk meresmikan siswa/i SMPN 9 Bekasi menjadi Anggota sebuah ekskul sekolah yaitui,Pramuka,Pmr,dan Paskibra sesuaio dengan pilihan siswa/i tersebut.Pada bulan September ,Tepatnya tanggal  9 dan 10  .SMPN 9 Bekasi melaksanakanya kegiatan pelantikan Ekskul 3P Di villa Ratu Pancawati Caringin,Sukabumi,Bogor

            Pelantikan ekskul 3P SMPN 9 Bekasi Bertujuan UntukMembentuk sikap disiplin dan mandiri dari siswa/i SMPN 9 Bekasi.Kegiatan Pelantikan 3P ini wajib diikuti para siswa/i kelas 7 smpn 9 Bekasi.Akan tetapi karena berbagai alasan ,terdapat beberapa siswa/i yang tidak ikut acara pelantikan 3p .Jika mereka tidak Ikut Hari ini Berarti mereka harus mengikutinya Tahun depan secara demikian.
            Sebelum berangakat Menuju Ke villa Ratu Pancawati caringin sukabumi,Kami semua berkumpul dilapangan sekolah untuk upacara pembukaan.Di upacara pemberangkatan ,kami berdoa untuk keselamatan kami berangkatan maupun pulang.Kami juga mendaptkan amana dari kepala sekolah,Bapak H.Dwi kusidinar tentang apa yang harus dilakukan disana nanti.Sebelum berangkat Kami juga berfoto foto menggunakan spanduk pelantikan ekskul 3P dengan senyuman kecil masing masing.
            Banyak Sekali Kegiatan Yang dilakukan pada saat pelantikan 3P yaitu Seperti test yang dilakukan masing masing Ekskul.Masing masing (untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa/i tersebut)Wide Games(untuk melatih kekompakan siswa/i)Api Unggun(untuk menam,bah rasa kebersamaan)Jurit malam (untuk keberanian)DLL.Diakhir acara,dilakukan upacara penutupan di lapangan .dan penyematan ketiga ekskul dari 1 perwakilan siswa/i kelas 7 untuk penyematan oleh bapak H.dwi Kusdinar.

            Ya...memang sangat melelahkan,namun dibalik rasa lelah ada rasa senang yang membayar semuan lelah kami yang telah rasakan

        Hari Sumpah Pemuda jatuh pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2017, karena itulah kami team Majalah 9 mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mewawancarai Pak camat Jatiasih. Disini kami membicarakan Sumpah Pemuda yang akan jatuh pada tanggal 28 Oktober mendatang. Langsung saja kita ke wawancaranya yaa,chekidot..
            Pak Camat telah menjabat selama 1 tahun 8 bulan. “Semua pahlawan itu pejuang,otomatis kita sebagai pemuda harus mengisi kemerdekaan sebagai istilah lain pemuda ialah ujung tombak di negara ini” ucap Pak Camat mengingatkan tugas pemuda sekarang. Pak Camat pula mengingatkan agar kita tidak melupakan pahlawan Bekasi kita yang salah satunya yaitu, K.H Noer Ali.
              “Dengan adanya hari Sumpah Pemuda mengajarkan kita untuk tidak membedakan suku,ras,dan agama. Akan tetapi, untuk membangun kedamaian,mensejahterakan masyarakat, dan menjaga persatuan. Dan kita sesuaika dengan visi  Bekasi yang berisi merajut kebersamaan, dan membangun perdamaian” Pendapat Pak Camat mengenai Sumpah Pemuda.
        Pak camat pula percaya bahwa pemuda di Jatiasih semuanya kreatif,inovatif,dan mampu memberikan motivasi. Hanya saja yang kurang adalah fasilitas/wadah untuk menampung aspirasi & inspirasi yang dapat membuat Kota Bekasi menjadi lebih maju.
           “Kedepannya di hari Sumpah Pemuda nanti kami ingin menyediakan prasarana,pengembangan intrastruktur, dan menjunjung tinggi kecerdasan kehidupan bangsa” Harapan Pak Camat untuk kedepannya di hari Sumpah Pemuda.

Kota Bekasi majuu!!!!!!


Tepat, pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2017, dilaksanakannya Upacara Pengibaran Bendera Merah Putih di Lapangan Kecamatan Jatiasih.Tidak disangka SMPN 9 pun berperan penting dalam upacara tersebut.Paskibra dan Paduan Suara SMPN 9 berpatisipasi dalam upacara tersebut, luar biasa bukan?? Paskibra berjumlah 33 orang dan Paduan Suara berjumlah 50 orang, serta ada PMR yang berjumlah 15 orang.

            Pukul 07.00 WIB dilaksanakan upacara pengibaran yang dihadiri para pejabat camat serta organisasi yang berada di Jatiasih, dan juga diikuti siswa SD, SMP. Maupun SMA dan diakhiri dengan acara penurunan bendera yang dimulai sore pada jam 17.00 WIB.
            Mereka hanya diberi waktu 3 hari untuk latihan.Tetapi, mereka bisa memberikan hasil yang cukup memuaskan.Paskibra, Paduan Suara, PMR tentu saja telah membanggakan SMPN 9 BEKASI.upacara pengibaran dan penurunan telah berjalan dengan lancar berkat usaha mereka dan yang lainnya.

Keberhasilan mereka tentu saja tidak dapat diraih sendiri, Paskibra dilatih oleh tentara, Kak Sam, dan juga Kak Sapto.Yang mengejutkan lagi, ada PPI Bekasi tahun 2010 yang turut melatih mereka.Paduan Suara juga tentunya tidak kalah hebat, mereka dilatih oleh guru kita yaitu Pak Sony.

            Rasa deg-degan, takut, percaya diri tercampur aduk menjadi satu.Tetapi, hal itu terbayar dengan membentangnya Merah Putih di Lapangan Kecamatan.
“Paskibra, Paduan Suara, dan PMR bangga, kita semua bangga”

Tidak sampai disitu, karena pada tanggal 18 dan 19 Agustus 2017 telah dilaksanakannya lomba dalam rangka memperingati HUT RI ke – 72 di sekolah tercinta, SMPN 9 BEKASI. banyak sekali mata lomba yang diikuti oleh siswa dan siswi kelas 7, 8, dan 9. lomba diadakan dalam 2 hari berturut-turut hari pertama ada lomba-lomba yang diadakan dilapangan, seperti lomba tarik tambang, lomba makan kerupuk, dan bakiak sepatu. Serta dimulainya lomba menghias kelas.
Hari kedua juga tidak kalah seru loh, walaupun lomba ini diadakan didalam ruangan seperti lomba membaca puisi bahasa inggris dan lomba rubik.
Hal ini dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan rasa cinta tanah air murid terhadap Indonesia.Hal ini pula terlaksana apabila tidak ada persetujuan dari Wakil Kepala Sekolah bidang Kesiswaan dan Kepala Sekolah tentunya.

 Lomba-lomba ini tentu membawa keseruan tersendiri bagi siswa dan siswi, kami semua selaku panitia lomba 17-an mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan dan partisipasinya, sampai jumpa di lomba selanjutnya


 In this one of the activities that always be done by students and teachers of SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi namely praying zuhur prayers congregation held in the mosque. Usually after done second bell rings. This congregational is usually led by Mr. Badroni as our religion teacher in the school. Is done so that students are always istiqomah worship, especially performing obliygatory prayers.
     Usually when it is time zuhur, mosque is always filled by students, but the capacity of his mosque is not adequate, the mosque is less large to accommodate many people. so we have to take turns to perform zuhur prayers in the mosque, and sometimes until there are 3 part for zuhur prayers.
     Zuhur prayer is one of the 5 prayers we have to do and we should not leave. Zuhur prayer is done if it is noon or ordinary it started around 12:00 to 14:30 hours. Zuhr prayer consists of 4 rak'ahs.
    Zuhur prayer has many benefits, Zuhr prayers the time when the sky door is being opened and is forbidden for his infernal fire of hell.

    There is good we do not delay any prayer time any reason, in a hadith mentioned one of the best practice is praying at its proper time, and if we pray at the beginning of time, then we will get the pleasure of Allah swt, if we pray in the middle of time, then we will get mercy from Allah swt.

Kamis, 23 Maret 2017


Hari ini warga dunia sedang memperingati Hari Air Sedunia atau “World Water Day” yang jatuh pada tanggal 22 Maret. Begitu pentingnya air bagi kehidupan manusia, membuat Persatuan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) menetapkan satu hari dalam satu tahun sebagai Hari Air Sedunia  atau World Water Day. Perkumpulan berbagai bangsa sedunia tersebut menetapkan 22 Maret sebagai Hari Air Sedunia. Peringatan Hari Air Sedunia pertama kali dirayakan pada tahun 1993. Perayaan tersebut bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian masyarakat dunia akan pentingnya air bagi kehidupan mahluk hidup dimuka bumi.
Tanpa air tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan. Apa yang bisa dibangun untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih maju bila tidak ada air untuk membangun infrastruktur? Apa yang bisa dipromosikan bila air yang memenuhi danau-danau indah di Indonesia kering atau malah terkontaminasi zat kimia? Apa yang bisa dilakukan bila generasi muda Indonesia malnutrisi akibat akses air bersih yang terbatas?
Sebelum terlambat, ayo mulai dari diri kita sendiri menyayangi air, menghemat air, menjaga lingkungan. Syukur-syukur bisa membantu pemerintah menanan pohon. Yuk, jaga air bersih sebelum terlambat. Jangan sampai kita baru menyadari pentingnya air bersih saat tidak ada lagi air di sekitar kita yang bisa dikonsumsi dengan harga ekonomis. Selamat Hari Air Sedunia! 


Today the citizens of the world are commemorating World Water Day or "World Water Day" which falls on March 22. Once the importance of water to human life, to make the United Nations (UN) set one day in a year as the World Water Day or World Water Day. The association of the various nations of the world set March 22 as World Water Day. Commemoration of World Water Day was first celebrated in 1993. The celebration aims to draw the attention of the world community about the importance of water for living creatures on earth.
Without water there is nothing we can do. What can be built to make Indonesia more advanced when there is no water to build infrastructure? What can be promoted if the water on the beautiful lakes in Indonesia dry or even contaminated with chemicals? What can be done when the younger generation of Indonesia malnutrition due to limited access to clean water?
Before it's too late, let's start from ourselves to love water, save water, safeguarding the environment. with water we can also help the government by planting trees. Let's keep the water clean before it is too late. Do not let us realize the importance of clean water when there is no water around us that can be consumed at an economical price. Happy World Water Day!