Rock On

Kamis, 23 Maret 2017


Hari ini warga dunia sedang memperingati Hari Air Sedunia atau “World Water Day” yang jatuh pada tanggal 22 Maret. Begitu pentingnya air bagi kehidupan manusia, membuat Persatuan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) menetapkan satu hari dalam satu tahun sebagai Hari Air Sedunia  atau World Water Day. Perkumpulan berbagai bangsa sedunia tersebut menetapkan 22 Maret sebagai Hari Air Sedunia. Peringatan Hari Air Sedunia pertama kali dirayakan pada tahun 1993. Perayaan tersebut bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian masyarakat dunia akan pentingnya air bagi kehidupan mahluk hidup dimuka bumi.
Tanpa air tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan. Apa yang bisa dibangun untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih maju bila tidak ada air untuk membangun infrastruktur? Apa yang bisa dipromosikan bila air yang memenuhi danau-danau indah di Indonesia kering atau malah terkontaminasi zat kimia? Apa yang bisa dilakukan bila generasi muda Indonesia malnutrisi akibat akses air bersih yang terbatas?
Sebelum terlambat, ayo mulai dari diri kita sendiri menyayangi air, menghemat air, menjaga lingkungan. Syukur-syukur bisa membantu pemerintah menanan pohon. Yuk, jaga air bersih sebelum terlambat. Jangan sampai kita baru menyadari pentingnya air bersih saat tidak ada lagi air di sekitar kita yang bisa dikonsumsi dengan harga ekonomis. Selamat Hari Air Sedunia! 


Today the citizens of the world are commemorating World Water Day or "World Water Day" which falls on March 22. Once the importance of water to human life, to make the United Nations (UN) set one day in a year as the World Water Day or World Water Day. The association of the various nations of the world set March 22 as World Water Day. Commemoration of World Water Day was first celebrated in 1993. The celebration aims to draw the attention of the world community about the importance of water for living creatures on earth.
Without water there is nothing we can do. What can be built to make Indonesia more advanced when there is no water to build infrastructure? What can be promoted if the water on the beautiful lakes in Indonesia dry or even contaminated with chemicals? What can be done when the younger generation of Indonesia malnutrition due to limited access to clean water?
Before it's too late, let's start from ourselves to love water, save water, safeguarding the environment. with water we can also help the government by planting trees. Let's keep the water clean before it is too late. Do not let us realize the importance of clean water when there is no water around us that can be consumed at an economical price. Happy World Water Day!

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017



Hari ini, warga dunia sedang memperingati Hari Puisi Sedunia atau “World Poetry Day”, yang jatuh pada tanggal 21 Maret, setiap tahunnya. Sejarah awal dicetuskannya Hari Puisi Sedunia dimulai pada saat penyelenggaraan pertemuan UNESCO yang ke 30 di Paris, Perancis yang berlangsung pada bulan Oktober – November 1999.
UNESCO juga melihat bahwa dalam 20 tahun terakhir ketertarikan pada puisi semakin meningkat dengan banyak kegiatan yang melibatkan puisi di negara-negara anggota serta bertambahnya jumlah penyair. Peringatan Hari Puisi Dunia pertama kali dirayakan pada tahun 2000.
Berbagai kalangan menyampaikan harapannya kepada Pemerintah Indonesia di Hari Puisi Sedunia ini, agar memberikan perhatian lebih kepada para seniman di negeri ini khususnya para penyair. Sebab bila melihat kondisi pemuda Indonesia saat ini, banyak diantara meraka yang justru terjerat dalam dunia narkotika dan pergaulan seks bebas, bukannya berada di wilayah kreatifitas hingga menghasilkan dan menciptkan karya untuk mengharumkan nama bangsa. Selamat Hari Puisi Sedunia.


Today, citizens of the world are commemorating the
World Poetry Day or "World Poetry Day", which falls on March 21 every year. The early history of the initiation of the World Poetry Day was initiated when the implementation of the 30th meeting of UNESCO in Paris, France that took place in October - November 1999.
UNESCO also see that in the last 20 years has increased interest in poetry with many activities involving poetry in member states as well as the increasing number of poets. Warning World Poetry Day was first celebrated in 2000. 
Various groups expressed his expectation to the Government of Indonesia in this World Poetry Day, in order to give more attention to the artists in this country, especially the poets. Because when you see the condition of Indonesian youth today, many of them that are actually entangled in the world of drugs and sexual promiscuity, instead of being in the area of ​​creativity to produce and create a masterpiece for the name of the nation. Happy World Poetry Day.

Jumat, 17 Maret 2017



         National Nurses Day is celebrated every March 17 each year. Memorial Day was initiated by the National Nurses ,NCN (National Council Of Nurse). NCN (National Council of Nurses) is established since 1965.
        Why is celebrated on March 17? Because the National of nursing Day could not be separated from the role of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale (Firenze, Italy, March 17, 1820 - August 13, 1910) was a pioneer of modern nursing. He was identified by the name of The Lady With The Lamp in English that means "the lady with the lamp". Her first name, referring to his hometown of Florence, Firenze Florence in Italian or in English.
         National Nurses Day is intended to give an opportunity to commemorate the nurses around the globe and its contribution to public health services. Nurses play an important role, basis in the development of the physical condition of each patient, thereby affecting the population and the health system. Nurses also work to instill awareness about health.
       First initiated in 1953, but the National Nurses Day in general has not officially declared until 1974.Now, annually, National Council of  Nurses (NCN) chose the theme of what is to be lifted. Of course teraktual discuss issues in the nursing field.
      Since 1988 ,NCN always use the theme of commemorating the National nurses. Themes in the stretcher in the campaigns for health and nursing, as follows:   
  1990 – Nurses and Environment
  1991 – Mental Health – Nurses in Action
  1992 – Healthy Aging
  1993 – Quality, costs and Nursing
  1994 – Healthy Families for Healthy Nation
  1995 – Women’s Health: Nurses Pave the Way
  1996 – Better Health through Nursing Research
  1997 – Healthy Young People = A Brighter Future
  1998 – Partnership for Community Health
  1999 – Celebrating Nursing’s Past, claiming the future