Assalmualaikum teman teman! Jadi pada tanggal 17 – 21 Juli 2018 Kemarin ada acara MOPDB di sekolah SMPN 9 Bekasi lhooo, apasih MOPDB itu? Jadi MOPDB itu adalah “Masa Orientasi Peserta Didik Baru” penasaran gak nih event nyakayak gimana??
Pada tanggal 17 Juli 2018 para peserta didik baru berbaris di lapangan untuk melakukan apel pembukaaan MOPDB, disanapeserta didik diwajib kan membawa balon yang dituliskan cita cita dengan harapan semoga cita cita mereka tercapai.
Ngapain aja sih MOPDB itu?? Di MOPDB itu para peserta didik baru diajarkan bagaimana metode pelajaran di SMP, Visi misi SMPN 9 Bekasi dan materi materi lainnya, di MOPDB para peserta diajak untuk mengelilingi sekolah untuk tahu di mana letak toilet, perpustakaan dan lain lainnya. Tentu saja ada games games seru oleh kakak kakak pembimbingnya juga yang bikin acaranya gak ngebosenin!
Dengan di adakannya MOPDB nya ini diharapkan semoga para peserta didik baru bisa beradaptasi dengan metode pembelajaran di SMP dan membuat para peserta didik baru nyaman di SMPN 9 Bekasi, kami ucapkan selamat datang di SMPN 9 Bekasi.
friends! So on the 17th - 21st July 2018 Yesterday there was a MOPDB event at
the school of SMPN 9 Bekasi lhooo, what is MOPDB? So the MOPDB is "The
Orientation Period for New Students", how come the event isn't like what?
July 17, 2018 the new students marched in the field to do the opening ceremony
of MOPDB, where students were required to bring balloons written on their
aspirations with the hope that their goals would be achieved.
What is MOPDB doing ?? In MOPDB, the new students were taught how to study in junior high school, Bekasi Vision 9 and the other material material, at MOPDB the participants were invited to tour the school to find out where toilets, libraries and others were. Of course there are exciting games games by his mentor's brother who also makes the program not
the MOPDB being held, it is hoped that the new students can adapt to the
learning methods in junior high school and make the new students comfortable at
SMPN 9 Bekasi, we welcome you to SMPN
9 Bekasi.
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