Rock On

Minggu, 08 September 2019


                         Senam Sparko  

Pada harI selasa tanggal 6 agustus 2019 kelas 8 dan 9  SMPN 9 BEKASI mengikuti senam sparko  yang memecahkan rekor muri dunia sebanyak ± 40.000 peserta , dan senam sparko dibuat untuk salah satu rengakaian peringatan ulang tahun indonesia ke 74  , dan memiliki tujuan : 1. Agar aparatur Kota Bekasi mampu menjaga kondisi kebugaran tubuh yang prima di tengah aktifitas kerja yang dijalani, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pelayanan prima bagi masyarakat Kota Bekasi yang cerdas, kreatif, maju, sejahtera dan ihsan. 2. Sebagai ajang silaturahmi antar unsur FORKOPIMDA, yakni Pemerintah Daerah, Polisi Resor, dan Komando Distrik Militer serta seluruh unsur masyarakat. Instruktur Sparko terdiri dari anggota Kopasuss 5 orang, anggota Kodim 10 orang, anggota Polres 10 orang dengan total keseluruhan instruktur 25 orang. Sementara itu untuk Peserta Kegiatan Sparko berjumlah ± 50.802 orang terdiri dari: ASN dan Non ASN ± 18.829 orang ,TNI ± 600 orang, Polisi ± 1.000 orang, BUMD ± 550 orang, Siswa/i SMPN ± 18.563 orang, Istri / suami ASN dan Non ASN ± 11.000 orang, FKUB ± 260 orang.Senam sparko ini banyak sekali yel -yel nya yang sangat menyenangkan dan banyak gerakanan yang menyenangkan . SALAM PATRIOT SEMUA !
                   SPARKO GYMNASTIC   

On tuesday , 6th of august 2019 , grades 8 a and 9 of nine junior high school are join gymnastics sparko which breaking the record of the world jury as many as (tanda kurang lebih) +_(gitu lah) 40.000 participans , and the series of 74th anniversary of indonesia And have purpose : 1. So that appartus of bekasi city are able to keep body fitness condition whish is primed in the midst of the work activity undertaken , so it can improve bekasi city community services who smart , creative , advanced , prosperous , and ihsan   2. As a gathering event between FORKOPIMDA element , that is local government , reseort police , and Military District Commander and all elements of society The Instructur of Sparko Gymnastic consists of 5 KOPASSUS members, 10 KODIM members, and 10 POLRES members. So, the total of all the instructurs is 25 people. Meanwhile, for the number of Sparko activity participants is ± 50.802 people = consisiting of ASN and non-ASN ± 18.829 participants, TNI ± 600 participants, Police ± 1.000 participants, BUMD ± 550 participants, the students of Junior High School ± 18.563 participants, wife/husband of ASN and non-ASN ± 11.000 participants, FKUB ± 260 participants. This Sparko Gymnastic lot of yells are very fun and lots of fun movements.

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